Rooted cuisine.
Our food is, first of all, catalan traditional. Nevertheless, we don't turn our backs on modernity.Our best dishes will always be those which have been cooked for generations.

Home bred lambs.
Avi Darnaculleta takes care of the flock that provides us with lambs. We choose all the meat that we don't grow ourselves with the same attention.You can count on it, it will be fresh and tender.

Star dishes: Onion Soup.
Make a stock and pour it into bowls. Add sliced onions, a slice of bread and grated cheese. Grill it and you're done.
Star dishes: Roast Lamb Shoulder.
Roast lamb has no other secret than good meat. Once marinated with herbs, prevent it from getting dry covering it in the oven with tin foil. Add potatoes and onions after a bit, salt and pepper, rested and ready to eat.
Dining areas
Interiors. Privacy and comfort.
Discreetly elegant, our dining rooms are designed to make you feel at home, or better. We are sure you will find your spot.
Corners. Great Hall. Ready for anything.
If you're looking for a quiet meal, or you're looking for a rumble with your friends, we have what you need.
In summer, enjoy our garden.
We take it all out to make you feel comfortable..
And we have a lovely terrace too.
Outdoor places for every sort of moment.
At Mas Pi you can enjoy our rostisseria, open on Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 a 15:30.
Place your order via whatsapp or phone 972 780 612 or 655 835 816.
List of prices and products:
Chicken €13.50
1/2 chicken €8.50
Cannelloni €6.80
Wild potatoes €3.80
French fries €2.60
Caliu potatoes (Unit) €2.00
Sausage €3.50
Bolognese macaroni €5.50
Croquettes €1.20 each
Allioli €1
Green salad €4.50
A la carte salad €6.50
At Mas Pi you can enjoy our rostisseria, open on Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 a 15:30.
Place your order via whatsapp or phone 972 780 612 or 655 835 816.
List of prices and products:
Chicken €13.50
1/2 chicken €8.50
Cannelloni €6.80
Wild potatoes €3.80
French fries €2.60
Caliu potatoes (Unit) €2.00
Sausage €3.50
Bolognese macaroni €5.50
Croquettes €1.20 each
Allioli €1
Green salad €4.50
A la carte salad €6.50
Place your order via whatsapp or phone +34 972 780 612 or +34 655 835 816.
ðŸ“Price and product list:
Place your order via whatsapp or phone +34 972 780 612 or +34 655 835 816.
ðŸ“Price and product list:
MARGARITA: Mozzarella, pomodorinis
salsa tomata i orenga 10,80€
PROSCIUTO: Base de tomata, mozzarella, pernil
dolç i orenga 11,80€
BELUCCI: Salsa tomata, mozzarella, bacó,
formatge cabra, ceba i orenga 12,20€
CAPRITXOSA: Base detomata, mozzarella,
pernil dolç, xampinyons laminats, carxofa laminada i orenga 12,20€
SA COSTA: Base de tomata, mozzarella, tonyina, ceba,
oliva negra laminada i orenga 12,20€
DE L’HORTA: Base de tomata,
mozzarella, verdures brassejades (carbassó, pebrot escalivat,
carxofes , albergínia …) 12,20€
QUATRE FORMATGES: Base de tomata ,
mozzarella, roquefort, mascarpone i formatge de cabra 12,20€
Ingredient adicional 0,95€
salsa tomata i orenga 10,80€
PROSCIUTO: Base de tomata, mozzarella, pernil
dolç i orenga 11,80€
BELUCCI: Salsa tomata, mozzarella, bacó,
formatge cabra, ceba i orenga 12,20€
CAPRITXOSA: Base detomata, mozzarella,
pernil dolç, xampinyons laminats, carxofa laminada i orenga 12,20€
SA COSTA: Base de tomata, mozzarella, tonyina, ceba,
oliva negra laminada i orenga 12,20€
DE L’HORTA: Base de tomata,
mozzarella, verdures brassejades (carbassó, pebrot escalivat,
carxofes , albergínia …) 12,20€
QUATRE FORMATGES: Base de tomata ,
mozzarella, roquefort, mascarpone i formatge de cabra 12,20€
Ingredient adicional 0,95€
Subsidy for the first self-consumption photovoltaic installation
Projecte acollit al programa d’incentius lligats a l’autoconsum i l’emmagatzematge, amb fonts d’energia renovable, així com a la implantació de sistemes tèrmics renovables en el sector residencial, en el marc del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançat per la Unió Europea – NextGenerationEU